Saturday, March 20, 2010

Mnemonic Challenge

Got bored this morning and re-coded the Mnemonic Challenge I wrote back in 1995. I was able to get it down to a couple hundred lines of JavaScript code without much effort, and use CSS instead of images (which was a technique that wasn't even available at the time the game was originally written).

I've generally been dismissive of my skills, being as I haven't done much programming in the past few years and haven't made a coordinated attempt to bring my JavaScript skills up to date since I abandoned the language back in 1998 (when the browser wars required writing code four or five different ways to suit each company's unique implementation - and I decided it wasn't worth the bother) ... but all in all, it was a lot easier than I expected, and I'm fairly happy with the outcome.

And as in all things, I may look at it a month from now and be thoroughly disgusted with the clumsiness of it ... but that's inevitable, and probably healthy. If you ever look at something you've done in the past and feel you couldn't do it any better today, that simply means you haven't learned a thing since then.

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